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A Budding Writer’s Complete Guide to Self-Publishing Books in the USA

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People want to write books for different reasons. Some do so because they are interested in a particular subject and want to share their knowledge, while others wish to explore a plotline they’ve been developing for months or years. However, not everyone can have their works displayed on the shelves of bookstores.

It is not easy to get your book printed and distributed, especially since there are many things you must do and consider in the process. Yet, one shouldn’t be discouraged by this because, although the publishing industry is constantly evolving and changing, one thing has remained constant: the need for creative and passionate writers.

Furthermore, this industry is undergoing a significant change as more and more people are taking to self-publishing their works in the USA. At Omnibook Co., we can help you understand this shift, the benefits of choosing this option, and the process of how to get started with your own book. Rest easy knowing our team can assist you in making your work reach thousands of readers.

What Is Self-Publishing in the USA?

People often want to self-publish their books because they are not satisfied with the traditional process that most authors go through. They want to be creative and control what they put out.

Self-publishing has gained popularity in the past few years as more writers have begun to see it as an attractive alternative to its more conventional counterpart. This process includes creating, printing, and distributing books, magazines, or other written works without going through an agent or publisher. If you’re interested in doing so, you can utilize self-publishing websites to ensure that you can put your name out there.

Overall, one can say self-publishing is not just about producing a book—it’s about creating a brand for yourself. On top of this, it’s also about reaching as many people as possible and building a strong connection with your audience. Those who want to build bigger platforms before major publishers come calling opt for this path since they know what they can do with their own work and fully grasp how it would be best marketed.

Self-Publishing vs. Traditional Publishing    

Traditional publishing houses are still essential in the publishing industry. Still, self-publishing can be a viable option for authors who don’t have the time or money to wait for their manuscripts to be picked up by an agency. For those who still aren’t sure which option is better for them, here is how the two differ:


Self-published authors have various online or digital book distributions accessible to them. Although it may be tricky at first, you just have to figure out what to do so that your works are available on sites like Barnes and Noble, Amazon, and other online bookstores. However, it is important to note that it may be more difficult for you to have your copies available in physical shops.

On the other hand, those who went on the more traditional route would have more chances of getting their books on the shelves of bookshops nationwide. This is because agencies often have connections and partnerships with different retail stores. Of course, there would be plenty of opportunities to sell their works online, too.


Most people say that the amount of money you’ll have to shell out is the biggest differentiator between self-publishing and traditional publishing.

If unfamiliar with specific computer software, self-published authors need to contact professionals and pay for different services involved in the book production process. As a result, the money you’ll have to invest for your book’s editing, formatting, designing, and marketing will eventually pile up.

On the other hand, those in contact with a publishing house will only have to correspond with a single company regarding how much they have to pay. Plus, your costs will entirely depend on your book deal as well as the process of the agency you signed a contract with. If you get a lot of offers, you can also choose one that best fits your budget.

Waiting Time

The self-publishing road is undoubtedly faster than traditional publishing. This is because your waiting time is only as fast or as slow as how you correspond with the different professionals you’re in contact with. As a result, this route can ensure that you already have a digital or physical copy of your work in as little as a few months.

In contrast, the waiting time for traditional publishing can take years. Agents receive hundreds—if not thousands—of manuscripts monthly, so they may take a while to get to yours. Plus, you’re technically competing with numerous other authors, so you would have to shoulder the burden of ensuring that you stand out from the crowd.

The Pros of Self-Publishing a Book in the USA

There are several advantages to self-publishing your book. Some of the benefits include the following:

Creative Control

Self-publishing a book gives you more creative control than traditional publishing. This is because it ensures that you have the freedom to choose your cover design, book title, and even how many pages your work should be. Plus, since you won’t have to worry about the requirements of multiple parties, such as editors, marketers, and designers, you can go with your original idea without making too many adjustments.

Higher Total Income

It is a common misconception that self-publishing a book won’t let you earn much money since publishing houses typically take over the marketing, distribution, and sales of your book. In reality, choosing the more traditional route means giving up control of your intellectual property. You will be required to give up some of your rights to make sure the publisher can sell your book to their audience, meaning you may have to receive a smaller percentage of the price of each unit sold.

Networking Opportunities

Self-publishing is a great way to start building a network in your niche. Although the process can be a bit long and arduous for some, it’s one that you can also learn to enjoy along the way. You get to know more people in the same industry as you discuss matters with your editor, talk to your publisher, and exchange ideas with your designer. By the end of it all, you can even share your work with them and tap them for possible collaborations or projects in the future.

Longer Shelf Life

One of the most significant advantages of self-publishing is that it gives your work an extended period to find its audience, so to speak. When you go through the traditional route, your book will likely only stay on the shelves for one to two months. This is because bookstores constantly move out old inventory in favor of newer works. On the other hand, if you choose to do everything yourself and decide to release a digital version of your book, you can be on the virtual shelves of online shops indefinitely. You’ll be able to build up a following and a lucrative writing career slowly.

Faster Exposure

Publishing a book through one of the traditional big houses can take up to 6 to 18 months. If you decide to self-publish, you can set your own pace and have things done as early as you want. Plus, the internet makes it easier for authors to promote their books and gain exposure. You can use social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram to share links to your book on these sites. Websites like Goodreads or Amazon are also great places for authors to promote their written works.

How To Start Self-Publishing in the USA

Admittedly, self-publishing in the USA can be a difficult path to take, especially since there are so many steps that need to be taken care of. However, it would be best if you won’t let this discourage you since everybody deserves a chance to pursue their dream of seeing their written work displayed on physical or virtual shelves.

To help you, here is a quick step-by-step guide on self-publishing a book:

Conduct Market Research

Market research is the best way to determine if the book you want to write is worth writing. It will help you understand what potential readers are looking for and what they want. However, it’s not just about asking people what they think – it’s about understanding their responses and using that information to make better decisions as an author.

Nevertheless, it is vital to remember that as a writer, you have the power to do anything you want with your work. You shouldn’t be too caught up in the details of your research and lose sight of why you wanted to write your novel, poem, or essay in the first place. Writing a book isn’t always just about sales, after all. Some want to become an author simply because they want to flesh out the story they’ve been pondering on for long.

One of the best ways to write a book is to write it for yourself. You can’t please everyone, and you should only focus on what you want in your own work. In reality, juggling your readers’ preferences and your own artistic inclinations can be difficult. Yet, many writers have learned to balance the two.

Write Your Book

No one can deny that writing a book is a dream for many, and there are plenty of ways to start it. Some begin by brainstorming ideas and jotting them down in a notebook or mobile application. In contrast, others begin with an outline to get the story straight before any actual writing takes place.

Once this is all over with, find the best time and place for you to write. It could be just before bedtime when everything is quiet and everyone is usually asleep, or in the morning right after you’ve showered and had breakfast. Keep in mind, however, that there’s no “optimal” hour or day for writing since it differs from one author to another.

Another thing that might help is removing all distractions from your work area. You can consider turning off your phone, not checking your email until later, and temporarily closing down all your social media accounts. Additionally, if you have a lot of distractions at home, it might be better to find an establishment, like a coffee shop or a library, where you can focus on writing and have some privacy.

Assess and Edit As Needed

Editing is the process of reading and correcting any written work. It is an integral part of creative writing and is done to improve the piece’s overall quality. Since the author may have missed a few things as they were writing, it is done to improve readability and clarity or make stylistic changes.

Furthermore, editing helps you achieve your goals as a writer since it will ensure that your book has a consistent tone and that all your ideas are expressed clearly. It can even help you understand what parts of your work need more information and what sections need to be shortened.

You can edit your work on your own before contacting a professional to go through it for you. Having a fresh pair of eyes go over your chapters will ensure that you won’t miss anything. If you need to change quite a bit from your first draft, don’t worry because that is entirely normal! No one writes a book perfectly the first time, and what matters is how you consider the things you’ve pointed out or the comments you received from your editor.

Commission a Designer for Your Book Cover

A book cover design is the first thing that a potential reader sees. It should attract the reader’s attention and give them an idea of what the book is about. From the color palette to the typography, it has to immediately convey the story’s genre, tone, mood, and theme within the pages. For this reason, working with a professional designer who understands how to create a compelling cover for your work is important.

The process of designing a book cover starts with designers consulting authors about the book’s theme. These visual artists then create a mood board to help them decide on a style. They’ll also sketch their ideas and turn them into digital sketches or paintings before sending the writer the final draft. During the process, these two professionals must work together to ensure that the visual and written parts of the book are cohesive.

Once the writer has chosen the final cover design, the illustrator will work on creating an image for the book’s spine and back cover. This is usually the last step because the designer will simply use the cover design as a guideline for their work to ensure that everything matches.

Connect With Experts

Just because you’ve opted for self-publishing vs traditional publishing doesn’t mean you shouldn’t connect with experts in the industry. If you have anyone in your circle you can turn to for advice, you should take the chance to talk to them. No industry is ever simple, so it would help if you had a guide of sorts during the entire process.

Aside from getting helpful tips from your colleagues, creating a writing community to help you stay motivated and improve your craft will also greatly help. You will have a group of people rooting for you and cheering you on as you publish more content. In addition, joining such a group can be helpful in terms of giving feedback to fellow writers, especially since it’s always helpful for newbies to get some guidance from more experienced authors.

Where Can You Find the Best Self-Publishing Companies in the USA?

If you’re interested in self-publishing in the USA, Omnibook Co. can be your partner. We use the latest technology and equipment in every stage of the book publishing process. Whether you want to create trade books, novels, academic books, memoirs, children’s books, or essays, you can be sure that our team of professionals has the skill and experience to help you.


Self-publishing is a great way to get your book in the hands of your audience. It can be a daunting task, but with proper guidance, it can be done. There are many benefits to self-publishing, and it is an option that should not be overlooked.

At Omnibook Co., we can make your dreams of becoming a published author a reality! We offer integrated solutions for every writer, from editorial to sales and marketing services. Feel free to get in touch with us today to learn more.